Today I introduce one of the indie flutter packages.
It is name `flutter_logcat`
This package will be incredibly helpful to all of you. If you make good use of logs, it will make development much more convenient.
In Flutter, logs are displayed in the console without any distinguishing colors. However, by using this package, you can view messages in the console with colors that you define. Additionally, you can configure it so that logs are hidden in debug mode, and you can also set it to display tags, file paths, and timestamps.
flutter create --org com.example --template=plugin --platforms=android,ios,linux,macos,windows -a kotlin hello
다음과 같이 실행해주어야 '플러그인'이 생성된다.
$ flutter create --org com.donguran --template=plugin --platforms=android,ios -a kotlin -i swift torch
그리고 gitignore에 다음을 꼭 명시해준다.
* 8 checked-in files are ignored by a `.gitignore`.
Previous versions of Pub would include those in the published package.
Consider adjusting your `.gitignore` files to not ignore those files, and if you do not wish to
publish these files use `.pubignore`. See also
Files that are checked in while gitignored:
* D:\donguran\dev\flutter\app\torch\ doesn't mention current version (0.1.1).
Consider updating it with notes on this version prior to publication.
Package validation found the following hint:
* You're about to publish a package that opts into null safety.
The previous version (0.1.0) isn't opted in.
See for best practices.