first commit

2024. 1. 14. 08:08카테고리 없음


this site is my develop drive.


first introduce my site name.

donguran is korean a play on word.

it means in cave.


I like a neaderthal man.

they lived in cave.


so I want my site name call in cave.


Everything is a Widget and simple is best.

someone might be hate this site.


but I don't stop write useful information.

maybe I will write about mobile app develop.


I use language a dart, kotlin, swift, java, c#.

almost use language is a dart.


so I use dart's friend Flutter SDK.

IDE Environment is Android Studio.


It is very very comfortable and applied convenience short cut key.

almost people use a Visual Studio for Flutter App develop.

but I like Android Studio more than a Visual Studio.


so my site will apply information it make almost IDE Android Studio.

let's do it !!!



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